Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gregory's Coffee: New York, New York

There is a difference between being IN New York and BEING in New York. I prefer the latter. Times Square is great, Rockefeller Plaza is grand, but what’s wonderful and fascinating are the local hotspots. I don’t know about you, but I’m past getting asked if I want to go to a comedy show in Times Square, going into the NBC store and commenting on the same collection of Office mugs and T-shirts, and having to change my entire route because of the potentially pedophilic man dressed up like Elmo dead ahead. I’m ready for the local spots. Spots like Gregory’s Coffee. With five locations throughout New York City, you are promised your fix of coffee no matter where you are.
                As I stepped off of Avenues of the Americas and into Gregory’s Coffee, I was instantly transported. The tourists become engulfed by the ritzy buildings that cause that God-knows-we-don’t-got-none-o’-them-there-kind-of-things-in-our-small-towns distraction. What they don’t realize is just how much of New York they are missing as they stare simply at the skyline.
Gregory's Coffee Logo
                There was a small line in front of me, nothing compared to most NYC lines, as I decided what I wanted to try. Cappuccinos, espresso, croissants, muffins, tea and what I personally enjoyed, a dirty chai. I think 90% of the reason I ordered it was because I enjoy saying the words dirty chai in public and feeling accepted. I’m still working on getting my voice to a level of sultry that this drink order demands, but that will come with time, I suppose.
                Mocha colored walls match the color of the drinks (unless of course you are using unheard of amounts of creamer, which if so I advise you to try tea, you’ll save yourself about 5,000 calories). The decoration is quite modern with clean lines, wooden tables and tall chairs. My feet dangle from the chair as I stare out at the taxis, people, and trash that seem to fly past the floor to ceiling windows. The serenity of Gregory’s café offers a polar opposite to the busyness that lies just beyond that window. The workers chatting coffee, “Gregulars” scattered around utilizing the free Wifi, and me attempting to get my brother to engage in conversation instead of texting his girlfriend, causes for one of my favorite café feels.
                So I suggest all you New Yorkers, “gregulate” your schedule to include time for a sip at Gregory’s Coffee. I promise you’ll have a “greg” time. Ok, the puns are done. So get your cup and your Gregulars’ card at Gregory’s Coffee where "they see coffee differently."